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Англо-русский словарь - bomb


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Перевод с английского языка bomb на русский

out разбомбить; оставить без жилья, разбомбив его My aunt was bombed out during the war, and had to live with my motherю
BOMB site noun пространство, на котором бомбами разрушены все здания
BOMB up aeron. грузить(ся) бомбами The pilot gave the order to bomb up. Have all the planes been bombed up?
 1. noun
 1) бомба; мина (миномета); ручная граната
 2) баллон (для сжатого воздуха, сжиженного газа)
 3) контейнер для радиоактивных материалов
 4) geol. вулканическая бомба to throw a bomb into - вызвать сенсацию, наделать переполох
 2. v. бомбить, сбрасывать бомбы - bomb out - bomb up
BOMB dropper noun aeron. бомбосбрасыватель
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См. в других словарях

  1. бомба air bomb —- авиационная бомба flying (winged) bomb —- самолет-снаряд bomb alley —- воен. профес. участок, подвергающийся частым бомбардировкам bomb cemetery —- воен. профес. склад обезвреженных невзорвавшихся бомб противника bomb case —- корпус бомбы bomb calorimeter —- физ. калориметрическая бомба to drop a bomb —- сбросить бомбу 2. мина (миномета) 3. ручная граната 4. радиоактивный источник (для терапии) cobalt bomb —- радиоактивная (кобальтовая) пушка 5. головка гарпуна с взрывчатым веществом для охоты на китов 6. опрыскиватель 7. баллон с аэрозолем 8. ист. маленький военный корабль, несущий мортиры 9. геол. вулканическая бомба 10. (the B.) ядерное оружие 11. (the B.) потенциальная угроза (применения) атомного оружия 12. разг. состояние, большие деньги to cost a bomb —- стоить кучу денег 13. ам. разг. неудача, провал, фиаско the play was a bomb —- пьеса провалилась 14. разг. потрясающий успех it went like a bomb —- успех был огромный 15. неожиданность 16. сл. длинный пас (в футболе) Id: to throw a bomb —- вызвать сенсацию (переполох) 17. бомбардировать; бомбить 18. обстреливать минометным огнем 19. забрасывать ручными гранатами 20. ам. разг. потерпеть неудачу, провал; провалиться (особ о спектакле); оскандалиться 21. ам. разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) бомба 2) автоклав, сосуд высокого давления - cobalt bomb - leaflet bomb - volcanic bomb ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) бомба (испытательный сосуд) 2) баллон (для сжатых газов) 3) сосуд высокого давления, автоклав 4) заряд ВВ (для морской сейсморазведки) 5) автомобиль с исключительно высокими динамическими и скоростными качествами - bottom-hole pressure bomb - calorimetric bomb - combustion bomb - pressure bomb - stink bomb - temperature bomb ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a container with explosive, incendiary material, smoke, or gas etc., designed to explode on impact or by means of a time-mechanism or remote-control device. b an ordinary object fitted with an explosive device (letter-bomb). 2 (prec. by the) the atomic or hydrogen bomb considered as a weapon with supreme destructive power. 3 Brit. sl. a large sum of money (cost a bomb). 4 a mass of solidified lava thrown from a volcano. 5 US colloq. a bad failure (esp. a theatrical one). 6 sl. a drugged cigarette. 7 Med. = radium bomb. --v. 1 tr. attack with bombs; drop bombs on. 2 tr. (foll. by out) drive (a person etc.) out of a building or refuge by using bombs. 3 intr. throw or drop bombs. 4 intr. esp. US sl. fail badly. 5 intr. colloq. (usu. foll. by along, off) move or go very quickly. 6 tr. US sl. criticize fiercely. Phrases and idioms bomb-bay a compartment in an aircraft used to hold bombs. bomb-disposal the defusing or removal and detonation of an unexploded bomb. bomb-sight a device in an aircraft for aiming bombs. bomb-site an area where buildings have been destroyed by bombs. go down a bomb colloq., often iron. be very well received. like a bomb Brit. colloq. 1 often iron. very successfully. 2 very fast. Etymology: F bombe f. It. bomba f. L bombus f. Gk bombos hum ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: French ~e, from Italian ~a, probably from Latin ~us deep hollow sound, from Greek ~os, of imitative origin  Date: 1684  1.  a. an explosive device fused to detonate under specified conditions  b. atomic ~; also nuclear weapons in general — usually used with the  2. a vessel for compressed gases: as  a. a pressure vessel for conducting chemical experiments  b. a container for an aerosol (as an insecticide) ; spray can  3. a rounded mass of lava exploded from a volcano  4. a lead-lined container for radioactive material  5. failure, flop the play was a ~  6. British a large sum of money  7.  a. British a great success ; hit  b. slang one that is striking or extraordinary — used with the their new album is the ~  8.  a. a long pass in football  b. a very long shot (as in basketball) shooting 3-point ~s; also home run  9. something unexpected and unpleasant — often used with drop dropped a ~ with her resignation  II. verb  Date: 1688  transitive verb  1. to attack with or as if with ~s ; ~ard  2. to defeat decisively  3. to hit (as a baseball or a golf shot) very hard  intransitive verb  1. to fall flat ; fail  2. slang to move rapidly ~ed down the hill  • ~ing noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bombs, bombing, bombed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bomb is a device which explodes and damages or destroys a large area. Bombs went off at two London train stations... It’s not known who planted the bomb... Most of the bombs fell in the south... There were two bomb explosions in the city overnight. N-COUNT 2. Nuclear weapons are sometimes referred to as the bomb. They are generally thought to have the bomb. N-SING: the N 3. When people bomb a place, they attack it with bombs. Airforce jets bombed the airport. VERB: V n • bombing (bombings) Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing... There has been a series of car bombings. N-VAR 4. see also petrol bomb, pipe bomb ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »WEAPON« a weapon made of material that will explode  (A bomb was planted at the railway station.)  (- see also atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, letter bomb, neutron bomb, stink bomb, time bomb) 2 the bomb used to describe nuclear weapons, and especially the hydrogen bomb  (a `ban the bomb' campaign) 3 cost a bomb BrE informal to cost a lot of money 4 go like a bomb BrE informal a) if a car goes like a bomb, it can travel very quickly b) if a party goes like a bomb, it is very successful 5 make a bomb BrE informal to get a lot of money by doing something +out of  (If you could get some of that cheap pottery back to England, you could make a bomb out of it.) ~2 v 1 to attack a place by leaving a bomb there, or by dropping bombs on it from a plane  (The town was heavily bombed in World War II.) 2 BrE informal to move or drive very quickly  (Suddenly a police car came bombing down the high street.) 3 AmE informal to fail a test very badly  (I bombed my mid-term.) 4 especially AmE if a play bombs, it is not successful  (His latest play bombed on Broadway.) bomb sth out ~ phr v if a building or the people in it are bombed out, the building is completely destroyed  (a bombed out town) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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